Men’s Shed
There are over 1000 Men’s Sheds in Australia. We are fortunate enough to have two of them on the South Side of Cairns at Thompson Road Edmonton and Highleigh Road Gordonvale.
So what is a Men’s Shed? This is not an easy question to answer as each one is different. Most sheds start off as a place for men to get together and work on making things. A bit like the backyard but bigger. It is a place where men who may have retired can connect with other men. It helps men maintain social connections, something many can struggle with once they retire and don’t have the social connections they had when they were working. It can be a place where men can feel free to talk to others about what’s on their minds, make new friends, work on projects together or just come for a cuppa and a chat.
Men’s Sheds welcome all men to come. They are inclusive spaces. They prevent men from becoming socially isolated. They help to keep men active, engaged with others and ensure they don’t lose their skills. As well as a place to create and repair objects they offer a fantastic health and wellbeing resource to the community. And it isn’t just for retirees men sheds are open to all men. The older men can help the younger men learn new skills. They are a great asset to the community.
The Edmonton Men’s Shed operates from an old shed that was once a farm shed. When the shed started the building was really run down and needed a lot over work. Over the years the men in the shed have worked to expand and upgrade the building. There is now a great work space, an office area, storage space with room for the men to work together on a number of projects.
The shed is just off the road with space for plenty of parking.
The Gordonvale Men’s Shed has been in operation since 2015. A permanent location was found for the shed in 2016 with construction commenced on a new large shed at the property in Highleigh Road, Gordonvale in 2017. Since then the shed has continued to be a place for men to meet and work together in a friendly environment.
The shed operates a nursery as part of the operation of the shed. Plants and items made at the shed are sold through the monthly Gordonvale Markets.
Men’s Sheds work on a whole range of projects. There could be someone working on repairing a lawn mower or bike, building myna bird traps, making a bench for a local school or wooden toys for young children.
They are an important part of our community and help to make the south side a better place to be.
New members are welcome.
For further information:
Edmonton Men’s Shed is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12 noon to 5pm. They can be contacted by phone: 0447 014 942.
Gordonvale Men’s Shed is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8am to 12pm. They can be contacted by phone: 07 4056 1525.