My South Side Story: Cathy Zeiger

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Cathy Zeiger

I came to Cairns from Sydney with a boyfriend when I was 18, we were on a trip around Australia.  Sadly alcohol got the better of him and after some distressing times, I chose to leave and stay in Cairns.

Cairns was my new home, the people were friendly and there was space to enjoy. I thought I’d found heaven.

I worked for Mike Spaulding Builders for a while, as when I left school in grade 10 my parents insisted I complete an Administration Skills course. This was very valuable in finding work. My work career was quite varied, as later on I worked at Wild World as a Cockatoo Trainer. I then found work at the Earlville Vet Surgery as a vet nurse, where I stayed for ten years.

While working at the Vet Surgery I had three children. I also learnt karate, a handy skill in defending oneself as I was determined never to be a victim again.

I’ve always enjoyed community and working with people. When my daughters started school I wanted to play a bigger part in their lives, so was fortunate to be able to work as a Principals PA at Cairns Christian College.   In this role I organised not only the Principals and teachers, but the camps, fetes, events and other things. While at the school I discovered the rewards of assisting students in their journey through school, but more on a personal level.

From there I started work with Rock Impact who contracted to Mission Australia. These contracts were for programs focusing on Early Intervention with young people.

Prior to when I became Councillor, I was working three jobs. I worked part time as a Personal Assistant, conducted the Early Intervention sessions and was driving a School bus morning and afternoon. It was a crazy time.

During all these times I learnt so much in working with the community. I learnt about the difficulties people were having, the needs they had and how services were trying to connect with people.

I used my experience as a Vet Nurse & event organiser to run “Pets in the Park” each year.  At this event people would bring their pets to the park. The service providers were also there. It worked as an ice breaker and an opportunity to connect.

After an eye opening visit to Kenya, I started a registered Australian Charity called BIG. Boldly I Go Inc.. We now have 40 children in Kenya sponsored by people in Cairns to that they can gain education – a luxury to many of them.

After discussions with Principals I became involved in running Breakfast Clubs at schools. First at Bentley Park College, then White Rock State School amongst others, with 13 other schools involved at that time. Myself and a great team of volunteers continue to serve breakfast at White Rock State School

In 2015 I was presented with an opportunity to enter Local Government. Rob Pyne; the incumbent had resigned to go to State Parliament. There wasn’t a By-election as there was only a year left before the next Council election. It was more like an intensive job interview. It was a blessing as I had a year to learn the ropes, but great as I had the basic skills to apply. I was successful at the next election and then again in 2020.  It’s pretty special to get paid to do all the community work I love to do, whilst improving the area that we live in. Very rewarding.

We live in the most beautiful part of the world. I’ve travelled a fair bit and there’s nothing that beats Cairns. The beauty of the area and the amazing diverse community.  I don’t think I could live anywhere else.